Welcome to Taylor's Pool


The website is under construction. Taylor's Pool is an Ether pool. Users deposit in Ether (Ethereum) to the service and it is bonded to the network after 2 days. Afterwards, every week rewards of 2%-5% APR are incurred and a 3% service fee is applied to the rewards amount. When a userwishes to withdraw their ether, they submit a withdrawal request and service fee of the network fee plus 0.005 ether is charged.

Minimum deposits to the service are 0.01 ether and the minimum withdrawal threshold is 0.015 ether. The minimum commitment of the ether upon deposit is 8 reward cycles or approximately 2 months time from the initial deposit.

We have three membership levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. All members that register begin at Bronze. If you wish to upgrade, you must purchase 1 of the Silver or Gold NFTs we have on offer on the Polygon blockchain based in Ether. I chose the Polygon network to mint the memberships on due to the low gas fees involved in comparison to Ethereum. Silver membership costs 0.025 ether for 0.0025 withdrawal fees for life. Gold membership costs 0.028 ether and grants 0.00125 withdrawal fees for life. There are 5,000 of each silver and gold memberships available in total. ETH on the Polygon network must be used to purchase the NFTs we have on offer. We will not be offering them for any other asset. Half of your purchase total of the ether will be used to expand our positions in the pool while the other half will be taken as company revenue. They are available here and here respectively.

I have not worked out all of the details of how the service will operate when ready to launch. This site's content and design is subject to change.

This site is owned and operated by Taylor Warden. We may only conduct business within Canada. I am registered as a sole proprietorship within Ontario, Canada. TAYLOR FINTECH is registered under business registration number 1001112877.

Hours of Operation: M-Th 9:30am-4pm EST, Fri 9:30am-3pm EST


1-65 East Avenue South
Hamilton, ON, Canada L8N 2T5